ASG Superconductors has created a real Italian superconductivity chain that can draw on over fifty years of experience. The company is in daily dialogue with world-leading research institutes and international companies operating in the particle-physics, energy and medical sectors and today employs over 200 people, with offices and facilities in Genoa, La Spezia, Newcastle (UK) and Morton Grove (Illinois - USA).
ASG is deeply aware that only through the continuous enhancement of people's skills can it remain competitive internationally, and continue to offer quality and industrial excellence for scientific customers and communities.
Growth, improvement and the enhancement of human heritage are our goals in a work environment aimed at innovation in a frontier area between the worlds of research and industry: ASG has for example supplied superconducting magnets for the LHC and detectors at CERN which were used in discovering the Higgs Boson.
The ASG Superconductors group of companies has recently undergone re-organization to incorporate all elements of its activity into a single structure. This challenges all employees to assist in providing their unique and precious contribution to the future development of the Group.
If you are attracted by the opportunities offered as a contributor to future of the company, this section is for you.
Our core Values, which are broadly shared within our company, define the way we act as an organization and as employees of ASG Superconductors.
Our Values outline the characteristics that Customers and other interested parties expect from us and rely on.
- Professional competence
Professional competence is the engine that fuels the quality of our solutions. - Integrity
Integrity is a way of acting and being among us: honest, transparent, responsible. - Innovation
Innovation is our drive towards the future. To imagine ever better products. - Courage and challenge
With courage we face new ways to grow: as a company and as people. - Team spirit
Team spirit transforms our company into a team: if we play together, we win.

Careers scheduling in ASG Superconductors takes place through a vertical and horizontal growth path where in-depth knowledge of our technologies plays a significant role. Professional development takes place through articulated growth paths in which training activities are combined, through Mentoring interventions. These activities include classroom and/or on-the-job training across a range of roles and functions within any of the Business Units.
Performance is managed systematically through feedback between managers and collaborators and assessments of contribution and potential define progress achieved and areas requiring improvement.
What we expect from our people
The people of ASG Superconductors are called upon to embrace the company's processes and to implement changes as protagonists: active and proactive subjects, willingly contributing their own footprint to the future of ASG Superconductors.
The professional competence at the base of our success, the orientation towards doing good and the ability to innovate, as a push towards the future, are the common foundations on which our people work.
Working at ASG Superconductors also means accepting and sharing the code of ethics and acting with the utmost fairness and transparency.
ASG Superconductors is a dynamic organization which provides its people with opportunities for professional and geographical mobility in Italy and abroad, through the business areas and the large-scale international contracts on which they work. ASG Superconductors is constantly looking for dynamic people available to grow both as professionals and managers.
Our performance management process incorporates two fundamental elements: a Values Panel concerned primarily with behavior, and a Skills Model as outlined below.
The Skills Model is made up of four areas for an integrated view of knowledge, skills and talents:
Thought Area
Knowing how to see the various business scenarios in an integrated way, in all their different implications (economic, technical, human), to place them in a medium-long term perspective.
Knowing how quickly to identify the crux of problems and to develop concrete, rapid and realistic solutions.
The ability to help improve processes, work methods and analysis, in a flexible way.
Implementation Area
Decision and assumption of responsibility
Knowing how to take responsibility for your role and to make effective decisions when time, information and clarity are lacking.
Knowing how to direct one's own business and that of others continually towards the objectives, aiming for improvement, excellence and optimization.
The ability to act proactively to steer events, knowing how to recognize and use the opportunities that arise.
Relational Area
Internal / external customer orientation
The ability to meet customers' needs (internal or external) by exceeding expectations and building positive and trusting relationships.
Being able to build effective ways of interaction, at a functional and inter-functional level, to work together to achieve the objectives.
Communication and listening
Knowing how to share information clearly in the appropriate context and listening to and understanding information shared by others.
Management Area
Change management
The ability to help the organization face and implement change, supporting its employees and monitoring progress.
Knowing how to lead people towards achieving goals in an influential way, so as to be a point of reference for others.
Development of others
Knowing how to promote, drive and enhance the growth and development of people, transferring skills and opportunities for improvement.
Economic sensitivity
The ability to recognize the effect and the economic implications linked to one's own activities and choices.

Every year ASG Superconductors promotes numerous initiatives dedicated to students and recent graduates through participation in career days and ad hoc events in collaboration with the main universities, and conducting guided tours for groups of graduate and / or undergraduate students within our facilities.
Moreover, with particular reference to the degree courses in Engineering and Physics, ASG Superconductors offers opportunities to carry out curricular and extracurricular internships based on specific needs and/or areas of corporate interest, as well as opportunities to collaborate in the elaboration of master theses.
A Placement at ASG Superconductors is a training and professionalizing experience that allows students interested in our business, a first insertion into the working reality to give substance to the course of study and a more precise orientation in future career choices.
A Placement, of variable duration, includes opportunities for in-depth technical analysis in the presence of a company tutor who will work alongside the student in the training and professional activities.
To find out what Placement opportunities are currently being offered, visit our open positions page.
School-work Alternation
ASG Superconductors actively participates in the School-Work Alternation programs with the objectives of:
giving students access to our high technology company
helping students in choosing their studies after high school
offering the opportunity of professional experience in the context of design and manufacture
Being part of ASG Superconductors means wanting to improve everyday life and create value for the worlds of research and industry by designing and developing magnets, applications and innovative superconducting systems.
Wanting to be a leader in superconducting technologies requires excellent professionalism and competence, combined with a deep-rooted aptitude for innovation and the ability to face new market challenges with courage.
"Innovation" because innovation is part of our nature. It is what sets us apart in the technological solutions we offer to our customers.
At ASG Superconductors we continually refine our know-how. We have a unique history and experience in our sector, having undertaken ambitious, vast and long-term projects. We invest in people, their skills and their training, through a continuous process of development of their knowledge and skills.
"Courage and challenge" because at ASG Superconductors we focus everything on facing new ways to grow: as a company and as people, to build a company that can respond quickly and preparedly to the market opportunities that arise and we want to do so in honest, transparent and responsible ways.
We are looking for people who constantly participate in the generation of ideas, in the optimization of processes and in the search for new solutions - people able to experience something new and different, looking for better and better solutions for the future.
We are looking for people who are proud of the value their work can bring in and out of the company and to society - people who can leverage on the abilities and skills of all - people who know how to look far, and can innovate, evolve, engage and mutually support each other. People who know how to put their excellence and professionalism at the service of a work group, of the common vision of a company that faces a great challenge: continue to support research with magnets and systems destined to transfer to the industrial world and to everyone's life the technological advantages of superconductivity and its numerous applications CREATING REAL VALUE FOR US AND OUR CUSTOMERS.
This is why we work every day to innovate services and processes in the energy and medical sectors through the study and development of new superconducting magnets, systems and materials.
This is the motivational drive that inspires us, and that we look for in you.
If you are looking for a new challenge that allows you to develop your talent without boundaries, in ASG Superconductors you will have the opportunity to leave your mark on important projects that will contribute to improving the human condition.
Professional competence, passion for innovation, courage against challenge, team spirit, honesty, transparency and a sense of responsibility are the values that inspire us in our daily actions.
If you want to join our team, do not wait any longer. Send us your CV immediately, or go to the open positions page.
Open positions: