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ASG Superconductors with HZDR combine magnetic resonance imaging with proton therapy

Wallstreet-online, 19/04/2021

ASG Superconductors with Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) will build the world's first prototype that tracks moving tumors with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in real time during proton therapy, combining a rotating open MRI device for the LINAC-MR system Alberta Health Services, with an actively scanned clinical-akin proton beam at OncoRay, the Dresden-based National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology. The rotating MRI device is produced by ASG Superconductors, using the MROpen Evo technology-based helium-free superconducting MgB2 magnet. Real-time MRI would make it possible to synchronize the proton beam to tumor motion during radiation dose delivery. So far, this has been impossible and therefore was a limiting factor for treating moving tumors with this promising cancer therapy.

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Press enquiry

Towards netzero shipping vessels

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Sole 24 Ore, 27/05/2023

Minister Giorgetti in La Spezia visits ASG Superconductors

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Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, 28/05/2022

Green port, hydrogen and superconductors

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Sole 24 Ore, 21/05/2021

Smashing the magnetic field strength dogma in MRI

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Aunt Minnie Europe, 16/02/2021

Industry and science: worldwide ASG projects

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Sole 24 Ore, 30/01/2021

Winding Europe's first ITER magnet

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EUROfusion, 26/01/2021

ITER, the machine that will light up a mini sun

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La Repubblica, 29/07/2020

The italian super magnet is ready

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Ansa, 11/03/2020

Made in Italy for fusion project in France

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Sole 24 ore, 27/01/2020

ASG Launches MROpen EVO MgB2 MRI Scanner

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Superconductor Week, 27/01/2020

Best Paths interview: Nexans’ Christian-Eric Bruzek

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S&P Global Platts, 01/07/2019

ASG will manufacture PF coils for ITER

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 18/06/2019

Italian super magnet: the brain without secret.

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Repubblica Lab, 13/02/2019

Clean energy from a simulated sun

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Corriere Innovazione, 26/10/2018

The 120 tons supermagnet conveiced in La Spezia

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Corriere della Sera, 07/09/2018

Electricity, the 3,2 GW Super Cable

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Quotidiano Energia, 06/07/2018

Electricity, the record cable

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Quotidiano Energia, 06/07/2018

Nuclear fusion in Europe with the italian high-tech

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Tom's Hardware, 20/06/2018

Community and territory Domus

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Domus, 01/06/2018

ASG, the iter of superconductors

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Domus, 01/06/2018

Fifty companies for a "Made in Italy" sun

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La Stampa, 30/05/2018

Nuclear Fusion made in Italy

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Corriere Innovazione, 22/02/2018

The supermagnet on the way

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Rai News, 22/11/2017

The magnet of wonders

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Focus, 01/10/2017

ItaliaBringing the Sun on Earth?

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BBC Science, 01/07/2017

ASG, ITER supermagnet is born in La Spezia

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La Repubblica, 17/06/2017

European consortium completes first Iter magnet

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World Nuclear News, 22/05/2017

Goodbye washing machines, now let's build the Sun

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La Repubblica, 19/05/2017

The Italian super-magnet is born

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 19/05/2017

Frattini: ASG bets on serial production

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Il Secolo XIX, 17/05/2017

Even the Sun will end up in a box

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Il Secolo XIX, 03/05/2017

Even the Sun will end up in a box

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La Stampa Tuttoscienze, 03/05/2017

Fusion, Enea in Japan to start working on magnetic system

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Staffetta Quotidiana, 14/01/2017

ASG in La Spezia a success story

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Telenord, 23/11/2016

Treasury of excellence not to be lost

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La Nazione, 16/11/2016

Research and innovation golden tickets

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Il Secolo XIX, 16/11/2016

Orlando visit to ASG Superconductors

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ANSA, 15/11/2016

ASG Superconductors TG3 on 15/11/16

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Rai3, 15/11/2016

ASG awarded South Korean MRI magnet contract

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AuntMinnie, 26/10/2016

La Spezia, ASG builds the record-magnet

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Il Secolo XIX, 17/06/2016

Three orders for Malacalza

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Milano Finanza, 07/06/2016

Manufacturing the first ITER magnet

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F4E NEWS, 17/03/2016

A piece of Italy in the international experiment Mu2e at Fermilab

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Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 03/12/2015

ASG on air on RadioRai

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Eta Beta - Rai, 07/10/2015

Italy supplies nuclear fusion reactor component to Japan

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Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, 30/09/2015

Genoa accelerates nuclear fusion

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 20/09/2015

Sun in the room

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Focus, 01/09/2015

German project for Malacalza

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Milano Finanza, 30/07/2015

TG3 Liguria - Leonardo

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TG3 Liguria, 22/05/2015

Malacalza group launches ASG Power Systems

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 11/04/2014

$30 million commitment to Malacalza group

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 10/10/2013

Malacalza reception host at EUCAS 2013

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Corriere della Sera, 16/09/2013