
Press clipping

The wire for the energy of the future and Davide Malacalza interview

Il Secolo XIX, 29/05/2021

Trip to one of ASG factories that produces the superconducting wire for the energy of the future.

Interview to Davide Malacalza on the creation of joint ventures in the world of steel and transport.

Read the full article.


Press enquiry

Towards netzero shipping vessels

Press clipping
Sole 24 Ore, 27/05/2023

Minister Giorgetti in La Spezia visits ASG Superconductors

Press clipping
Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, 28/05/2022

Green port, hydrogen and superconductors

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Sole 24 Ore, 21/05/2021

Smashing the magnetic field strength dogma in MRI

Press clipping
Aunt Minnie Europe, 16/02/2021

Industry and science: worldwide ASG projects

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Sole 24 Ore, 30/01/2021

Winding Europe's first ITER magnet

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EUROfusion, 26/01/2021

ITER, the machine that will light up a mini sun

Press clipping
La Repubblica, 29/07/2020

The italian super magnet is ready

Press clipping
Ansa, 11/03/2020

Made in Italy for fusion project in France

Press clipping
Sole 24 ore, 27/01/2020

ASG Launches MROpen EVO MgB2 MRI Scanner

Press clipping
Superconductor Week, 27/01/2020

Best Paths interview: Nexans’ Christian-Eric Bruzek

Press clipping
S&P Global Platts, 01/07/2019

ASG will manufacture PF coils for ITER

Press clipping
Il Sole 24 ORE, 18/06/2019

Italian super magnet: the brain without secret.

Press clipping
Repubblica Lab, 13/02/2019

Clean energy from a simulated sun

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Corriere Innovazione, 26/10/2018

The 120 tons supermagnet conveiced in La Spezia

Press clipping
Corriere della Sera, 07/09/2018

Electricity, the 3,2 GW Super Cable

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Quotidiano Energia, 06/07/2018

Electricity, the record cable

Press clipping
Quotidiano Energia, 06/07/2018

Nuclear fusion in Europe with the italian high-tech

Press clipping
Tom's Hardware, 20/06/2018

Community and territory Domus

Press clipping
Domus, 01/06/2018

ASG, the iter of superconductors

Press clipping
Domus, 01/06/2018

Fifty companies for a "Made in Italy" sun

Press clipping
La Stampa, 30/05/2018

Nuclear Fusion made in Italy

Press clipping
Corriere Innovazione, 22/02/2018

The supermagnet on the way

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Rai News, 22/11/2017

The magnet of wonders

Press clipping
Focus, 01/10/2017

ItaliaBringing the Sun on Earth?

Press clipping
BBC Science, 01/07/2017

ASG, ITER supermagnet is born in La Spezia

Press clipping
La Repubblica, 17/06/2017

European consortium completes first Iter magnet

Press clipping
World Nuclear News, 22/05/2017

Goodbye washing machines, now let's build the Sun

Press clipping
La Repubblica, 19/05/2017

The Italian super-magnet is born

Press clipping
Il Sole 24 ORE, 19/05/2017

Frattini: ASG bets on serial production

Press clipping
Il Secolo XIX, 17/05/2017

Even the Sun will end up in a box

Press clipping
Il Secolo XIX, 03/05/2017

Even the Sun will end up in a box

Press clipping
La Stampa Tuttoscienze, 03/05/2017

Fusion, Enea in Japan to start working on magnetic system

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Staffetta Quotidiana, 14/01/2017

ASG in La Spezia a success story

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Telenord, 23/11/2016

Treasury of excellence not to be lost

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La Nazione, 16/11/2016

Research and innovation golden tickets

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Il Secolo XIX, 16/11/2016

Orlando visit to ASG Superconductors

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ANSA, 15/11/2016

ASG Superconductors TG3 on 15/11/16

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Rai3, 15/11/2016

ASG awarded South Korean MRI magnet contract

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AuntMinnie, 26/10/2016

La Spezia, ASG builds the record-magnet

Press clipping
Il Secolo XIX, 17/06/2016

Three orders for Malacalza

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Milano Finanza, 07/06/2016

Manufacturing the first ITER magnet

Press clipping
F4E NEWS, 17/03/2016

A piece of Italy in the international experiment Mu2e at Fermilab

Press clipping
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 03/12/2015

ASG on air on RadioRai

Press clipping
Eta Beta - Rai, 07/10/2015

Italy supplies nuclear fusion reactor component to Japan

Press clipping
Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, 30/09/2015

Genoa accelerates nuclear fusion

Press clipping
Il Sole 24 ORE, 20/09/2015

Sun in the room

Press clipping
Focus, 01/09/2015

German project for Malacalza

Press clipping
Milano Finanza, 30/07/2015

TG3 Liguria - Leonardo

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TG3 Liguria, 22/05/2015

Malacalza group launches ASG Power Systems

Press clipping
Il Sole 24 ORE, 11/04/2014

$30 million commitment to Malacalza group

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Il Sole 24 ORE, 10/10/2013

Malacalza reception host at EUCAS 2013

Press clipping
Corriere della Sera, 16/09/2013