International researchers begin testing new MRI-guided proton therapy
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Auntminnie, 12/01/2024

Tumor treatment: the Genoese machine that revolutionizes research
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La Repubblica, 10/01/2024

A very special CERN Courier cover page with Superconducting links for Hi-Lumi LHC MgB2 technology inside
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Cern Courier, 12/05/2023

Nuclear, Malacalza enters the Gauss Fusion race for fusion energy
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Sole 24 Ore, 28/02/2023

Enabling the future of human brain research with Siemens Healthineers
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Sole 24 Ore, 19/01/2023

From Genoa to Korea and the USA: the world´s most powerful magnet for studying the brain is Italian
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La Repubblica, 23/10/2022

Minister Giorgetti in La Spezia visits ASG Superconductors
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Ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, 28/05/2022

Superconductors, the ASG wire for fission and fusion in safety
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Il Sole 24 Ore, 22/04/2022

Superconducting magnets: all applications for industry. With ASG Superconductors
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Industria Italiana, 12/04/2022

How the new magnets that will transform particle research at CERN in Geneva will be made
Press clipping, 07/04/2022

The wire for the energy of the future and Davide Malacalza interview
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Il Secolo XIX, 29/05/2021

TGR Liguria - ASG Superconductors: a new approach to the future of cancer treatment
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TGR Liguria, 26/04/2021

ASG Superconductors with HZDR combine magnetic resonance imaging with proton therapy
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Wallstreet-online, 19/04/2021

All-Ireland scanner appeal as Oldpark woman has to travel to England for scan
Press clipping, 13/02/2021

From La Spezia the super magnet, the Italian heart of nuclear fusion
Press clipping, 05/06/2020

ASG, those thirty Ligurians working in France for the energy of the future
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The energy of the stars. The coil for fusion comes from La Spezia
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Corriere della Sera, 19/02/2019

The magnets for the brain study, Sergio Frattini CEO ASG interview
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Radio 24, 24/01/2019

ITER Council delegates visit Europe’s Toroidal Field coils factory
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F4E NEWS, 07/10/2018

One single wire able to carry 500 times more electricity than copper wires
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LaVerità, 08/07/2018

The superconducting cable developed in Liguria to revolution energy transport
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Il Sole 24 ORE, 06/07/2018

Europe's first ITER Toroidal Field magnet enters final manufacturing stage
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F4E NEWS, 07/03/2018

Fabbrica 2.4 Davide Malacalza interview - The biggest magnet in the world
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Radio24, 14/10/2017

ASG Superconductors brings the magnet made in Italy to Russia
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Il Sole 24 ORE, 20/05/2017

The Sun in a box: from the ligurian Silicon Valley, Davide Malacalza: now let's draw the future
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Il Secolo XIX, 03/05/2017

Nuclear fusion closer with the italian supermagnet of Malacalza and Enea
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La Stampa, 02/05/2017

ASG, Saes and SME at CERN. Made in Italy at service of science
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La Repubblica, 24/04/2017

Fusion, Enea in Japan to start working on magnetic system
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Staffetta Quotidiana, 14/01/2017

Fusion, the Malacalza company ASG arrives in Japan for the experimental reactor
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La Repubblica, 14/01/2017

ASG Superconductors, the superconducting coils for the nuclear plant in Tokyo
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Il Secolo XIX, 13/01/2017

thanks to Enea Italy brings excellence for fusion in Japan
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Tribuna Economica, 13/01/2017

Fusion, Enea started assembly the "heart" of the experimental reactor
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Quotidiano Energia, 12/01/2017

Japan, Enea and Italian companies in the reactor for the energy of the stars
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Corriere della Sera, 12/01/2017

Technology to treat tumors is Italian, but used just abroad
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Business Insider, 26/12/2016

Travel inside the company that sells high-tech all over the world
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Il Giornale, 16/11/2016

Here is the company that imitates sun and stars: the minister Orlando to ASG Superconducors
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Primocanale, 15/11/2016

ASG Superconductors Plans Powerful Magnets for Brain Research
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High Beam Research, 31/10/2016

"Betrayed research." Investigation on the situation of the Italian research. The activities of the INFN. Int. Fernando Ferroni, pres. INFN
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Rai3 - Presadiretta, 19/09/2016

One of the largest and advanced magnet in the world under construction
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Città della Spezia, 16/06/2016

Energy: ITER fusion project, one of the largest magnets and complex ever built comes from Italy
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La Spezia Cronaca, 16/06/2016

Manufacturing one of the biggest and most complex magnets in history
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PHYS.ORG, 18/03/2016

What are we doing. Invisible particles, but that are changing our lifes
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Nova - Il Sole 24 ORE, 28/01/2016

A piece of Italy in the international experiment Mu2e at Fermilab
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Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, 03/12/2015

Italy supplies nuclear fusion reactor component to Japan
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Agenzia Giornalistica Italia, 30/09/2015

Enea / ASG : 1 component ready for Italian nuclear fusion reactor
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Corriere della Sera, 29/09/2015

From CERN to ITER project with our maxi magnets we'll have clean energy
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La Stampa, 22/04/2015

Research, investments and managers The recipe for the Malacalza hi-tech superconductivity chain
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Genova Impresa, 01/01/2014

Malacalza business The Institute of Nuclear Physics rewards ASG Superconductors after the Higgs Nobel Prize
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Il Giornale, 18/10/2013