The University of Genoa awarded Davide Malacalza an honorary degree in Materials Science and Technology
MgB2: an innovative superconductive material for energy and medical applications. This was the title of the Lectio Magistralis given by the President of ASG Superconductors, who thanked the authorities, professors, students, all the people at ASG, and those who have collaborated over time to achieve this goal: ‘I am thrilled and honoured to receive, in Genoa, an honorary degree in Materials Science and Technology from one of italian most prestigious universities. It is an achievement that makes me proud and an acknowledgement that, in reality, concerns the work carried out over the last 20 years together with all the people at ASG Superconductors, thanks also to their commitment to projects in Italian and international research institutes. As all achievements, and in keeping with the spirit of innovation that animates us, it is also and above all a starting point: superconductivity and MgB2 superconducting technology continue to move closer and closer to everyday life, with applications already existing or under development in the transport and energy storage sectors as well as medical diagnostics and therapy'.